Sunday, June 14, 2020

Best of Luck to the Class of 2024!

It is with heavy hearts that the teachers of Fraser Clan say good-by to our 2019 -2020 students and their families.  Never, ever would we have thought that the last trimester would have turned into something from a sci-fi movie!  That being said, everyone rose to the occasion and did a remarkable job of getting things done! It's been a long, rocky road, but we are so proud of our students and their efforts.  It was not easy to be "away" from "our" kids - we teach because we WANT to be with the kids . . . sigh.  It was not easy to say good-bye "curbside" last Monday . . . but, some things are out of our control, and we have to make the best of the situation.  We had many good times in Fraser Clan - let's hang onto those good memories and cherish them!  We wish the very best for the Class of 2024 as they begin the next chapter of their lives!  Stay safe, stay well,  be kind!

And, for all of you who have a summer birthday . . .